relationship advice

Relationship Advice

God's love for you is so great and unexplainable in that He loved you even before you were you.

Your mistakes don't surprise him.
He has already known your end from the beginning.

He knew every mistake you would make,
And He has already made a new route for you, He called it 'the way of escape'.

Strange but true, that's how much He loves you. Your sins are great, but His love is greater. No matter what you've done, He loves you still.

You can still fulfill all of His plans and purpose for your life. Like the prodigal son, God is telling you, "JUST COME BACK HOME!

I can give you a new beginning, I don't care about your ugly past.
My plans for you are still to give you a beautiful end. Our broken relationship, I am always ready to mend."

You are loved by God every day,
Nothing can ever take that away.
His love for you is all that matters.


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