Sometimes you are happy, sometimes you are sad

Never feel sorry for yourself. Even if you are in the worst times of your life right now, know that things will change.

Sometimes you are happy, sometimes you are sad, whichever defines your experience, remember there are better days ahead.
Feeling sorry might help you bring pity from men. But you are not created to be pitied but to be envied. Stand tall, Raise your head high, look the world straight in the eye.
Direct your energy towards confronting your fears and worries, rather than spend it on self pity. One make you stronger, the other makes you weaker.
Never feel sorry for yourself. View all the difficulties that come your way as a challenge to overcome, and one that will build you to become all that you desire.
I know you wish things are better, I know you've given your all and you deserve something more. This is not a time to give up on your hustles, it's not the end of the road.
I know you've been beaten, you are tired of the struggles, you've fallen severally, and you've probably gotten used to it.
Though you fall a thousand times, don't stay down, pick up something from the fall, and rise with new strength.
I know you don't expect your path to be this hard, you didn't expect life to be this complicated, but you are already here and no matter how many times you've failed, you can still succeed if you dare to keep going after whatever you seek.
You are here but you won't be here for long. You must make something out of your presence and leave your mark in this world, one that will be remembered long after you are gone.
Your pain and struggles, the scars you got from your journey will be an inspiration to the coming generation, that's why you must not give up now. Keep working on yourself, on your dreams until it comes true.
You are not created to be pitied but to be envied. Rise up, this is another day to try another way, keep working until it works.


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