Quotes for people that other show support

Do you have agency?🤔 

This quote is for us, anyone who has considered themselves a lone wolf, black sheep, or just those of us who know what it's like to go against the grain. According to Nietzsche, there is no price too great for a deep sense of self, and I know not many would agree. 

As I reflect on my own spiritual journey and path toward self-agency and dominion over my life, I am reminded of the friends, family, and jobs I've lost on the path in committing to my freedom.

I've come to learn that when you're on this journey and loved ones still follow the crowd, cracks in what seems like the foundation of your relationship start to appear. The more you step into your own power, the more these cracks begin to reveal areas that your friends and loved ones need to heal and evolve. During this time, you will also be challenged in these relationships, but the work you've been doing will prepare you to overcome. Take note as these cracks often show up as anger, sadness, pain, jealously, etc., in your loved one. Don't let this trigger you; this is not your fault or anything you should feel guilty about. Love them and have compassion for them when observing such outcries.  Make no mistakes unless they do the work and deal with their feeling of loss and a lesser sense of self, you might need to let them go or establish stricter boundaries for your interactions with them. This is what Nietzsche means about " you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. Some may rise and evolve because you refused to dem your light, while others fall or drift away.

One of the things that keep me encouraged are those that rise and evolve with me and those newly found relationships that have shown me more love, compassion, and support than those who have drifted away.💗 


































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