When people look at me (preetsinghsr)

When people look at me, they see what I want them to see.

I will always seem happy go lucky without a care in the world, but that’s not who I am at all.

I fight back all the feelings that the world would never approve of, because my happiness is important to me.

I keep my walls high to keep others out and to see who cares enough to see past them..

The ones who actually put forth the effort to get to know me for my true self.

Those are my people, the ones I love to the moon and back because they just get me.

I’d rather have a handful of close friends than countless acquaintances.

My eyes say so much that most will never hear, and I’m okay with that-

I’m not for everyone and rightfully so.

I don’t wear my emotions on my sleeve, because I’ve done that and ended up with a broken heart.

I’m done sharing myself with the world and hoping they understand me, because most never will.

Those intimate parts of my heart and soul that mean most to me..those are the depths that I share only with my loved ones-

They’ve earned my trust and loyalty through who they are.

So, when you look at me and assume I don’t feel anything because of my steely facade, think again.

I’m one of the most passionate and emotional people most will ever meet..but I choose to share that part of myself with a select few because that side of me is precious and fragile.

Just because I don’t cry doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.

Just because I don’t say anything doesn’t mean I don’t feel deeply..

And just because I don’t always share my feelings doesn’t mean I don’t care.

I’m real, I’m authentic and most importantly, I’m passionately loyal.

It’s up to you if you have the patience and desire to look past my eyes and see my truths..

You’ll find that I’m one of the most extraordinary people you’ve ever met..

It’s all up to you if I’m worth the effort to you..

I know I’m worth everything..

And so much more.


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